I grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and came to the U.S.A. in 1982 to pursue a graduate degree in Physics. There was never a process to choose a science major beyond the wish to work on understanding the imagined futures that so fascinated me in my insatiable reading of science fiction.

Once I started down this path I was drawn to theories and equations rather than experiments and machinery. I saw beauty in the symmetrical arrangement of Maxwell’s equations governing electromagnetism and in Einstein’s General Relativity formulation of gravitational forces. I still find it fascinating that the human mind can build a set of equations to describe real-life processes.

I am awed by every form of human ingenuity. Witnessing what is made possible by the spark of creativity makes me feel blessed to have been born. I am especially attracted to the visual arts, to works that deliver strong emotions, whether it takes a few seconds or a lifetime for a full digestion of their message.

Even though the right/left distinction might work as a way to identify the prevalent brain areas engaged in human activities, I believe that there is a deep connection between scientific/technical ingenuity and artistic creativity: our natural thirst to find underlying patterns, form, structure, and beauty in the world we inhabit.

I retired from a long technical career in late 2018 and started painting right away. Even though this path felt serendipitous it now looks very logical, as it provides a way to continue to tend to this thirst.  

My work is based on abstract shapes. I spend my time in the studio exploring how geometry and color elicit a myriad of emotions in both myself and the viewers of my work. It is fascinating to see how small variations in size, shape, and color can produce widely different human reactions.